
HyperTriangle has just started their business with extensive research in the field of electronics. They have applied the field of electronics to ideas that will make life more enjoyable, productive and efficient.

LED Technology

The project consists of replacement LED lamps for the long fluorescent lamps. The lamps are supposed to be run on a low voltage system powered by a combination of solar energy and off-peak electricity from the grid.

Find out more at LED Ideas

MIDI Guitar

Building an entirely digital guitar, with no strings. The advantage of midi over analog is that it will be more flexible than a normal guitar. More details at the midi guitar main development page.

Beowulf Cluster

Building a cheap beowulf cluster to provide fast access to high power computations. Total price was estimated at $2000. Inspired by this research project. This project was put on the "backburner", if you are interested please contact us.

Paint Ball Gun Monitor

A small electronic module attached to a paint ball gun with the function to count the number of paint balls shot/misfired and to provide other misc services: led light and laser target.


If you would like us to make you a product related to anything described here, please contact us, we will be happy to do business with you.